Sat, 28 September 2013
In which we get a little off topic and get saucy with the rules of the internet. On this week's show, we celebrate the ninth Doctor (a bit) and watch "Father's Day" (Series 1, Episode 8) and "The Sontaran Stratagem" (Series 4, Episode 4). Only one of those have Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, but hey, whatever. In between fits of sexy talk, we continue to talk about how much we love Donna, this time including a heaping scoop of fondness for Martha Jones and their delicious banter with each other. Also there are time pterodactyls. This week's outro is "My Sharona" by Veruca Salt. Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY. |
Thu, 12 September 2013
In which we get distracted by the human figure. Ladies. This week, Brandon and Danica don't watch any episodes of Doctor Who, as they celebrate the announcement of Peter Capaldi as the next Doctor! Swoon as they attempt to talk about "The Thick of It" and "In The Loop", but get distracted by various Chris'! Marvel at Brandon trying to explain his disdain for politicians roughly five drinks in! And discover within yourself your very own Beefcake Need. (We love you, Peter Capaldi.)
Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY. |